FT Business Book of the Year

Best business books

All the books longlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award

The Big Short by Michael Lewis

The Big Short

As only he can do, and do well, Lewis gives us a compact, elegant narrative of the financial crisis, designed to make your blood boil… In the process, one can only marvel at the extent of Wall Street’s duplicity and greed. — Read the complete FT review


We fed the monster until it blew up …’

While Wall Street was busy creating the biggest credit bubble of all time, a few renegade investors saw it was about to burst, bet against the banking system - and made a fortune.

From the jungles of the trading floor to the casinos of Las Vegas, The Big Short is the outrageous story of the misfits, mavericks and geniuses who, against all odds, made the greatest financial killing in history.