FT Business Book of the Year

Best business books

All the books longlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award

A Capitalism for the People by Luigi Zingales

A Capitalism for the People

Not all the ideas are fully worked out. There is plenty here to disagree with as well as to admire. The political obstacles to many of Zingales’s nostrums are huge, requiring turkeys on Capitol Hill to vote for Christmas. Yet this remains a stimulating essay on the nature of American capitalism and the issues that will determine the pace of America’s relative decline. — Read the complete FT review



When the Italian-born economist Luigi Zingales came to the United States in the 1980s, he embraced the American Dream: the belief that what brings you success is hard work, not luck or who you know. But the economic events of the past decade have put American capitalism in crisis.

Now, living in America’s heartland, Zingales warns in A Capitalism for the People that the U.S. economy risks deteriorating into a pro-business rather than pro-market system run by corrupt politicians. Presenting a real-world blueprint to restore true competition to our economic system, Zingales gives hope that the U.S. can rebound to greatness.